Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Racist Quotes from the Campaign Trail: It Only Takes One Assassin!

"Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause"
By Kevin Merida
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Karen Seifert, a volunteer from New York, was outside of the largest polling location in Lackawanna County, Pa., on primary day when she was pressed by a Clinton volunteer to explain her backing of Obama. "I trust him," Seifert replied. According to Seifert, the woman pointed to Obama's face on Seifert's T-shirt and said: "He's a half-breed and he's a Muslim. How can you trust that?"

"Hang that darky from a tree!"

"Hamas votes BHO" and "We don't cling to guns or religion. Goddamn Wright."

"No. I want a president that will salute our flag, and put their hand on the Bible when they take the oath of office."

See full article here

"The Neural Buddhists"

Published: May 13, 2008

"This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism.

If you survey the literature (and I’d recommend books by Newberg, Daniel J. Siegel, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Jonathan Haidt, Antonio Damasio and Marc D. Hauser if you want to get up to speed), you can see that certain beliefs will spread into the wider discussion.

First, the self is not a fixed entity but a dynamic process of relationships. Second, underneath the patina of different religions, people around the world have common moral intuitions. Third, people are equipped to experience the sacred, to have moments of elevated experience when they transcend boundaries and overflow with love. Fourth, God can best be conceived as the nature one experiences at those moments, the unknowable total of all there is."

THE SCARY PART HERE WOULD BE IF SCIENCE STARTS VALIDATING THE FIRST NOBLE TRUTH OF BUDDHISM: Life is suffering in a vicious cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara),
And the only way out of this eternal cycle is reununciation and ascetism!!


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