Thursday, October 19, 2006

Living in a Cartoon-Horror Movie:

Top US general says Rumsfeld is inspired by God [must be the Old Testiment god of War!!]

Here's something to think about. Cognitive Science tells us that the mind operates by metaphor. We literally live by-and -through the stories we tell. Symbols and metaphors animate those stories and root our consciousness in analogical other words, as Saint Paul says it...we see "through the glass darkly". But how dark is the metaphor through which Evangelical Fundamentalism and the Bushies "see" the world. As dark as it gets...a Horror movie. Imagine not the world of John Lennon, but living in the world of the book of "Revelations"...where the "evil-doers" battle the "sons of light." Imagine living in a world in which millions of infant "souls" are tortured and aborted by Nature (25% of all human pregnancies end in miscarriage) and millions more tortured and aborted by rational human beings who do not share in this horror-story movie. This horror-story is the world in which the Republican leaders of this country live. Is there any doubt why Rumsfeld and others saw the Bathists as the equivalent of the Nazis, and why they felt the need to "de-Bathify" Iraq. Is there any wonder why they have created a living hell in Iraq with policies logically derived from the worldview of the book of Revelations? Is there any wonder why they are creating a living hell for millions of Americans with poor schools and social services? Is there any wonder why American politics has become a surreal "war" where the opponent is demonized and sent to hell--de-humanized? Is there any wonder why Nativist Fundamentalists see the immigration of millions of poor Mexicans to America as an "invasion"--after all, most of them are Catholic...or "demons who can quote scripture."

Nostalgia...a President with real compassion and understanding...too bad he had a weakness for plump little co-eds.

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